Grace Project

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much" - Helen Keller

Giving back is at the heart of JGALA. The Grace Project aims to make the world a little better for as many people as possible, by integrating sustainable contributions into our business model. 

We are committed to donating a portion of our sales for every piece of jewelry you purchase to trusted social impact organizations. Every collection will be dedicated to a different cause, exemplifying our commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

We believe true beauty is using your power to create a better world, even with the smallest contribution. The tallest buildings are made of small bricks, after all.


In light of the catastrophic situation in Palestine, we are allocating proceeds from all collections to initiatives in Gaza. Our primary focus is to support projects that provide shelter and infrastructure for clean water.

All our donations are processed through KAAF Humanitarian, an organization based in Bahrain that holds a Trusted Charity Mark from the UK-based National Council for Voluntary Organisations.

*Please note that JGALA is not officially affiliated with KAAF Humanitarian; we solely utilize their portal for donation purposes.